Monday, February 16, 2009

Au Naturel Instructor

Class was very interesting today. Under normal circumstances, I'd be the opposite of "up and at em'" during the class period. But considering that the class is a history course--I'm normally sliding half way out of my seat, with my head tilted against the wall with drips of saliva working it's way down to my chin. But today was very different....

I decided to picture my teacher naked. And not because I was attracted to him, but because it actually kept me wide awake, and aware of what was going on. I was participating left and right. But all the while, keeping my eyes on the prize. Every time he would point to the board, or move his hips towards the projector, I would imagine his muscles flexing back and forth underneath his black dockers slacks. But again, the most bizarre part of it all, is that I'm not the least bit--in any kind of way--attracted to my teacher. This was just a stunt my mind pulled to make the time past by faster. I quickly glanced behind me at the clock on the wall. 6:49. One minute of class left. When I turned back around to face him, my thoughts lead me to picture him fully undressed, and he was master--uhh...masterING the technique of discussing dictators in the 20's and 30's!

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